Saturday, January 25, 2014

Tim Sales-How Does Multi Level Marketing Work?

How Does Multi Level Marketing Work? by Tim Sales

These five steps illustrate how MLM companies work when done in a first-class way.

Step One: A sales representative (a “distributor” for an MLM company) first becomes effective at selling a product (skin care, nutrition, etc.) or a service (legal services, Internet services, etc.) to a consumer.

you get customers
How many customers a distributor should get will depend on the company’s commission plan - typically about 20 customers. My personal recommendation is to get enough customers so that you can effectively get customers at will. Otherwise you will not be able to train those you recruit to get customers.

It is not efficient to get many more than 20 customers, as MLM companies pay you to “duplicate yourself.” If you train 5 people to get 20 customers, you’re much more effective at getting your valuable product to consumers than if you were just distributing products on your own. 

Other industries (such as direct sales) will reward you better for getting a lot of customers; but they don’t reward you for training others.
Step Two: Recruit ONE person and train them how to get customers. This person would be called your downline.
you teach to get customers
Step Three: Once your sales rep can get customers at will, then train them how to recruit another person.
You teach
Step Four: Ensure that YOUR sales rep can train HIS new sales rep how to get customers.
You teach
Step Five: Then, you recruit ONE other person and repeat steps two through four. Keep doing this until you’ve reached the income you desire. I did this cycle 16 times and have made millions of dollars.