Simple pre-bed mind trick doubles energy and fat-loss (NOT food or supplements)
There is one simple trick you can use right before bed
that's guaranteed to accelerate your fat-loss, improve
your quality of sleep and double your next day's energy.
It's not food...or some miracle pill.or a supplement and
it will cost you absolutely nothing.
And I truly believe that ignoring this pre-bed ritual could
literally rob you of reaching your full potential in life.
It's a simple two step process that's specifically designed
to help you overcome your biggest fears in life...
Step 1: Every night, right before bed, make a list of the
five things you must complete the next day for you to
have considered it a total success.
I often refer to this as the "Win List".
There's something magical about writing down your
win list...
It programs your mind for the next day's success and
automatically gives you more restful sleep because you
won't go to bed "thinking" about everything you need to
do the next day.
This is often referred to as a "brain dump" and it works
because it gets rid of clutter in your head when you have
too much on your mind before bed.
Step 2: After you've written your 5 things (no more, no
less), figure out which item on the list you dread and
fear the most.
C'mon! You know there's at least ONE thing on that list
you don't want to do.
Next, schedule time to make sure you accomplish this item
first, before you do anything else the next day.
In other words...
Always Do Your Feared Things First
Whether it's exercise, a phone call you don't want to make,
an unresolved conflict, or other "unfinished" business in your
... The more you delay or procrastinate, the more the
fear will grow and build up inside of you.
Then your thoughts create negative scenarios in your head
which can mentally drain you and dominate your mind.
It ends up being wasted energy and if you just try to ignore it,
you'll never reach true "greatness" in your life.
But when you do your feared things first it will empower you
by freeing your mind and imagination to maximize energy in
other areas of your life.
Amazing things will automatically start to happen when you
use this approach consistently.
Your confidence will EXPLODE.
The new found confidence of doing feared things first will
automatically make tackling other areas of your life seem
a helleva lot easier.
If you don't think attacking your fears is relevant to
achieving your dreams, goals, and desires...
Just read this quote and I promise you'll think twice:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are
powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually,
who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve
the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't
feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born
to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated
from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
- Marianne Williamson
I totally agree.
Liberation from our fears is clearly the path to reaching
our full potential.
When you consistently face your feared things first, you'll
annihilate your win list and take your personal discipline
to a whole new level.
One last thing...
It should be priority #1 to have exercise and nutrition on
your next day's win list at least five or six days of the week.
After all, it feeds and nourishes every other area of your life
in a positive way, which will help build the inner strength to
overcome your life's greatest fears.
The Win List: It's another GL12 secret of the journey!
So tell us, do you make a conscious effort to do YOUR
feared things FIRST??
I'm curious to know how you overcome your fears and if
this helps you on your journey.
Remember, your feedback is very important to us because
it helps me grow as a fitness professional and it helps our
team grow as a company.
This empowers us to add more value to your life.
That's why I encourage you to hit reply and let us know
your thoughts.
Your friend,
Shaun "feared things first" Hadsall
Shaun Hadsall, Body Transformation Expert and Fat Loss Coach
Body For Life Grand Champion 1st Runner-Up (1998)
Voted America's Most-Fit Health & Fitness Pro, Club Solutions Magazine
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