Don't fall for this (I almost did on Monday)
Last Monday, I woke up to a boatload of problems.
- First, I forgot to set my alarm so I woke up late.
- Then I spilled my coffee all over myself on the way to the gym. Yes, it was hot.
- Next, my knee kept locking up during my workout. Totally annoying.
- Then my iPod went dead. This always irks me.
- Then I found out I had a broken link in yesterday's email newsletter.
By this time, my butt was starting to get REALLY red.
Jeeeeesh! It wasn't even 9am yet!
I felt like I wanted to grab my favorite blanket and go
back to bed. :-)
But it reminded me that I had one of two different
choices or paths I could take for the day.
And when it comes to health and fat-loss (or just "life" in
general) these are the same two paths you can choose.
Path #1: The P.L.O.M. path.
Path #2: The P.M.A. path
The first path, which I call PLOM disease, stands for
Poor Little Ole' Me.
This can be an easy trap to fall into and it's a plague that
causes SERIOUS fat-storage in millions of people.
Just think about it.
Negative messages seem to be EVERYWHERE.
All you have to do is turn on the news to check the weather
and it only takes 5 minutes before you've been bombarded
with garbage.
I'm not saying you should ignore what's going on in the
world but, in my opinion, you need be VERY selective
about what you expose yourself to nowadays...
...especially if you want to avoid PLOM disease.
But I'm warning you now.
Most people naturally criticize critical thinking or positive
attitudes so PLOM can sneak into your life and CONSUME
you without even realizing it.
Next thing you know, it's ten extra pounds of fat on your
belly later, which can end up being a downward spiral if
you're not careful.
I would venture to say that ANYBODY who has tried to
lose weight or accomplish anything significant in their life
will suffer from this disease at one time or another.
I almost fell for it on Monday.
Don't do it.
Instead CHOOSE path #2.
The PMA...or Positive Mental Attitude path.
It's not a cure for all our problems...but it is a choice.
And if you focus on maintaining a PMA you'll be able to
handle the outcome of ANY situation and potentially even
change the outcome altogether.
So why not stack the deck in your favor?
Stay positive.
After all, adversity will strike for all of us.
But EVERY adversity that hits our lives should be viewed
as a character building opportunity from God.
The difference between success and failure is getting up
off the ground when adversity hits, dusting yourself off and
making a conscious "choice" to avoid the dreaded PLOM
Remember, if you have a problem or issue in your life
there's probably a 95% chance that you've (directly or
indirectly) created the problem - so you're responsible.
I know sometimes this is a tough pill to swallow, but
it's 100% accurate.
Ultimately, when it comes to fat-loss or ANY area in life,
we all need to strive for consistency NOT perfection.
There is no such thing as "perfect"...especially when it
comes to the game of health and fitness.
It doesn't exist for you...for me...or anybody else.
I've failed over and over again at fat-loss and many
other things, but I always do my best to stay consistent.
THAT'S the difference maker.
Your ability to fight and stay "consistent" will allow you
to make continuous progress and serious life changes.
If you screw up, who cares?
Get back up and start over and over...and don't quit
starting over.
In fact, this should be one of your biggest priorities in life.
- To show the world that there are indeed POSITIVE people out there.
- To show people you care.
- To give them hope.
- To show them if they persist, stay consistent and never give up they
can succeed no matter what their dreams and goals.
And always remember.
The more you maintain a PMA and help others, the more
the world will help you. It's the Law of Giver's Gain and it
will NEVER change.
Sometimes in life we can't control what happens to
us and sometimes we can.
The only thing we really can control is "how" we react
to any situation when the adversity hits.
Remember, when you light yourself on fire with a PMA,
people will travel miles to watch you burn.
The positive energy becomes contagious and you'll
naturally "attract" MORE positive people and results
into your life.
So what about you?
Do you have PLOM disease???...
Or are you always focused on a PMA???
Make sure you hit reply and let us know your thoughts.
Your friend,
Shaun "stay positive" Hadsall
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