Saturday, March 30, 2013

A delay is not a denial by Mastin Kipp


I remember the first time I heard someone say, "A delay is not a denial." I was kind of blown away. 
It was Michael Beckwith at an Agape service here in Los Angeles.

At the time I was going through some major questioning and also experiencing a lot of pain because I was reinventing myself from a music manager to what I do today.

There was that "in between" phase. The phase between where I was at the time and where I was going. It's a grey zone if you will. A cocoon phase.

And for a long time I thought that because my new dreams hadn't happened yet, that they were not going to happen. 

(This is a common limiting belief from the instant gratification generation.)

But when Michael said this, it penetrated all the way down to my Soul. And I knew he was right.

As I started to contemplate this idea, I started to realize that my heart was not running the show. It was my ego. Now I am not anti-ego. I just believe that our ego must be in the right place, as a servant of our heart. If the ego serves the heart, then everything is in the right order.

If the heart is the servant of the ego, then the tail is wagging the dog.

And at this point in my life, my ego was REALLY out front.

And I realized that it was pure arrogance thinking that things should go my way. My prayer at that time was certainly not "thy will be done". It was more like "my will be done".

And anyone who's walked a spiritual path for any amount of time knows that "my will be done" is a painful prayer.

I was so focused on ME that I was in hell. In fact, I don't think, "hell is other people" - I think that hell is when you only focus on YOURSELF.

I was missing all of the opportunities to serve. I was missing what I could give to the world. I was only focusing on what I couldn't control and what I didn't have, instead of what I could control and what I could do.

I was living in a totally different Uni-verse.

So, I finally experienced enough pain and had some great teachers who helped me get my mind and my heart right.

And after that, my focus went from ME to SERVING OTHERS.

And when I made that change, everything changed.

Tony Robbins said something SUPER powerful in his UPW event last weekend. He said, "Power flows to those that truly serve."

And I believe this now more than ever.

Service is the name of the game and if life isn't flowing the way that you want it to, are you perhaps too focused on you and not focused on serving?

And if you are serving and things aren't working out, is there a "hook" in your service? Are you doing it only so that you benefit?
Can you see that delays are not denials; they are simply an opportunity for you to learn how to serve at a deeper level and prepare to give your gift even more?

As always, the action happens over on the BLOG; head on over there and leave a comment on my blog "What if delays are not denials?" and join in the conversation! The TDL Community thrives in the comments and it's a GREAT place to get support! 



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