Navigating the Illusion
7 Lies You Believe About Yourself Which Imprison the Bigger You!
The following segment is part of an extended article series designed to shed light on the nature of the illusion we call reality, how it keeps us small, and how to unleash your life’s highest possibilities! To start at the beginning CLICK HERE.
Lie # 6 – You are limited and restricted. Lack and scarcity are real.
In our introduction to this article series we explored the nature of the Illusion, why you would choose to forget your infinite power, and how it is that you begin to remember. Today we continue delving more deeply into the Illusion in which you live by exploring the untruth that lack and scarcity are real.
Since universal principles dictate that where your attention goes, the energy flows. the most powerful consciousness we can practice is one of having more than enough. This means that whatever you do, whatever you think, whatever you believe, as you find ways to acknowledge what you have, and that it is indeed more than enough, you experience more and more abundance.
How exactly does one do this? Here are 3 mindsets that activate this expansive energy in your life.
#1 - Oneness
The first thing you must do is embrace the idea that you are already ONE with the infinite prosperity of the Universe. In order to do this, you must understand and accept some fundamental concepts:
When you seek greater prosperity, your mindset must be of oneness. You must contemplate that you are already one with all the money you could ever imagine. You are not separate from it. But, what we commonly do is focus on our seemingseparation from abundance.
Every time you think about money being outside of you, wanting it but not having it, waiting for a check in the mail, waiting to close a deal, or a sale, waiting for someone to pay you back, taking money out of your wallet and feeling that your resources are dwindling – all of that is separation consciousness.
A great way to start shifting toward the oneness mindset is with a willingness affirmation: I am willing to know my oneness with infinite abundance. I am willing to discover how I am already one with more prosperity than I could ever imagine.
#2 - Non-Judgment
Our source of money is not what we think it is. We think that money comes from a job, a client, an alimony check, a loan, etc. Those are simply channels that flow from only One Source. When we let go of where we think the money should come from, we start to open up to true prosperity.
Must-have mindset #2 is one of totally letting go of attachment and judgment about where money flows from. Good mantras to use are: There is only One Source and infinite channels. I am open and receptive to infinite prosperity circulating through my life from infinite and unexpected channels.
And, when one channel of money dries up (and this will happen for the rest of your life) rather than fretting, you can affirm, It’s okay. That’s not my Source. There is only One Source, and I’m open to infinite channels of prosperity.
#3 - Gratitude
Although gratitude is a commonly taught metaphysical principle, many people don’t understand why it is vital from a vibrational stand point.
When you give thanks you are acknowledging that you have something. When you tell the Universe “I have this,” you attract more and more of the experience of you having.
This is a discipline. You can either focus on what you have, no matter how small, or you can focus on what you don’t have (i.e. lack). Remember: where your attention goes the energy flows.
Even if you have debt, rather than resisting it, give thanks for this channel and give thanks for your willingness and readiness to allow a more abundant flow.Thank you Universe for the money I DO have. Thank you for the money in my wallet.
Thank you for the pay check I can count on. And when you pay a bill: Thank you for the fact that I HAVE the money to pay this bill. I send it out with gratitude knowing that it circulates back through my life multiplied.
Give it a try! You have nothing to lose and great abundance to gain!
International Life Coach, Sonia M. Miller, is the author of Amazon's #1 Metaphysical book, "The Attraction Distraction: Why the Law of Attraction Isn't Working for You and How to Get Results Finally!" For her F.R.E.E prosperity audio entitled "Manifesting Prosperity - The 5 Must-Have Mind-Sets" and special report: "How to Unleash the Magic When the Law of Attaction DOESN'T work for You" go
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