Monday, April 8, 2013

Get Physical (and a picture)‏ by Briana Borten

  • Get Physical (and a picture)‏

This last month was an intense time in my life.  Lots going on, a bunch of personal inner work, and honestly – I had a difficult time maintaining my cheery attitude.  I was grumpy with my husband about little, unimportant, stuff, I cried a lot, and my vision for my future was foggy at best.
I feel fortunate to have a lot of tools at my disposal to help me out of funks like this.  And boy did I implement them – regular EFT, meditation, processing conversations, picking up my attention and putting on all the good in my life, being grateful and journaling.  Did it help?  Well…yes, but not as epically as I was hoping.
I was still feeling down.  Then both my sister and my loving husband reminded me, “Briana, you’ve got to friggin’ exercise.”  To which I replied with little joy, “I am exercising.”  
You see, last August I made an agreement with myself to exercise every day for a year.  I’m big on agreements and was sticking to it!  But, in reality, I was counting a leisurely walk as my exercise, or half heartedly lifting weights while watching New Girl.  Not enough.
So, with a little cajoling from my family, I worked out.  Hard.  
The result?  Emotional transformation.  
All pain is caused by stagnation.  This applies to physical pain and emotional pain.  When blood and energy aren’t moving it’s going to hurt on some level.  We’re fully connected – our thoughts, emotions, and bodies, so when we get sluggish on one level, it can lead to stagnation on another level.  And, the inverse is also true: if we get shit moving on any level it tends to promote flow on all levels.
Get physical before getting philosophical. – Tweet it
By moving my body intensely, I was able to free myself from my rut and get enough perspective to implement my other tools more effectively.  But, it wasn’t a one time thing – it’s mental maintenance – I’m re-invigorating my commitment to exercising every day for year with gusto.  Wanna join me?
Here is a picture of me hiking near my house.  Exercise can, and should, be fun!
I’d love to hear from you in the comments on my blog.  Tell me what you do to get out of mental funks and then let me know if you’re on board with working out with me every day for a year?
Back in the flow,

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