Sunday, April 28, 2013

This ONE thing will make or break your fat loss‏ by Sue Heintze

There is a disturbing trend in the fitness and fat loss industry and
I know many of you have experienced it already. Or perhaps you
are even going through it RIGHT NOW - without even realizing.  
Let's see if you can relate...
You start a new shape-up program in a blaze of weight loss
glory. The initial drop that registers on the scale in the first
week is super motivating. Your excitement about what is
going to happen next week (and the weeks after) is totally
off the charts.
Weigh-in day arrives and you literally jump out of bed and onto
the scale, eager to be rewarded for your hard work.
But...hang ON? What’s this?
The scale hasn’t moved! In fact, it’s actually gone up!
All of a sudden you’re not so motivated anymore. After this epic
fail the novelty of the new program is wearing off. Things start to
feel difficult and in fact, all this eating clean and working out all kind
of sucks if you are really honest.
The inner voice is already saying 'it's not working'. You react by feeling
frustrated and down. You think 'it's just not worth the time and effort'.

Does this sound familiar?
Through clients I am confronted with this same issue time and again
and I thought as my valued subscriber, you may benefit from this snippet
of wisdom taken from my coaching forum.
Yes, make no mistake, week 3 and 4 of your program are the weeks that
will make or break you. I cannot re-iterate this enough.
Before you throw in the towel out of frustration you need
to understand the following...
What will make you successful is incremental steps over a consistent
period of time. Two steps forward, one step back STILL MEANS
ONE STEP FORWARD. And all that will add up to cumulative results.
You are probably aware by now, our bodies can be very stubborn.
The biggest lesson I learnt when preparing for competition (or
leaning down to very low body fat), is that you WILL succeed
if you just keep going!
You WILL feel and get frustrated because you think nothing is
changing. This is NORMAL. You need to accept it!
In every single ‘comp preparation’ I’ve reached the final
few weeks and felt I wasn’t where I wanted to be. But, simply by
trusting in the process and continuing on, I've always been successful.
Of course you must be following a suitably appropriate program
for it to work but my point is, don’t say ‘nothing’s working’ after just
3 weeks. 
What usually happens with me is that I drop a little weight, then go
back up, drop a little, go back up but generally stay around the
same until finally my body finally gives in and I drop significantly and
stay there. Then the process starts again. As long as the overall
trend is down, then it’s all good.
If you're feeling disheartened, perk up because what you're going
through is normal.
The ones who survive will not be the ones who react to the scales
by eating off plan. What good is that going to do? The ones who
survive and will be successful will be the ones who accept this,
knuckle down and continue on.
I can tell you now, it won't matter what program you do, if you cannot
get through these tough periods where your mind is playing games, you
will never lose the weight you want to. Do you really want to keep
battling for the rest of your life? Or simply knuckle down in this
tough time and GET THROUGH IT.
You CAN. You NEED to. You WILL.
Via our Body Makeover Programs and the X-Treme Results Challenge we
teach you how to navigate and get through the tough times with confidence.
Mastering that is the REAL secret to permanent fat loss and making peace
with your body.
I hope this little lesson in staying strong will help you get
through the other side next time you consider throwing in the towel.
Dream, Believe, Achieve!

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